Smartsvn over network
Smartsvn over network

  1. Smartsvn over network portable#
  2. Smartsvn over network code#

  • Conflict Solver: shows Save toolbar button.
  • Conflict Solver: ability to pass left and right title to external tool.
  • built-in File Compare: optionally ignore case changes.
  • built-in File Compare: option to deactivate synchronized scrolling.
  • smartsvn over network

    Smartsvn over network code#

    built-in File Compare: if binary files are compared, file size and hash code are shown.working copies with :ssh: (instead of :ext:) are working now (to be compatible with other CVS clients).Commit dialog: ability to open change report.file filter, speed search: configurable, e.g.graphic) viewers which only can accept one file, but can be invoked two times to open two files external file comparators: ability to use (e.g.external tools: option to use system open or edit command (requires Java 1.6).Transactions: ability to show for time or tag range.

    Smartsvn over network portable#

    for Windows there exists a portable bundle (e.g.Transactions: ability to filter by branch and/or author.Source: C:\Users\u ser\Deskto p\shellnot ify.The first beta version of SmartCVS 7.1 beta 1 is available. system language)Ĭode function: IsValidCod ePage,GetL ocaleInfoW ,Ĭode function: GetLocaleI nfoW,GetLo caleInfoW, GetLocaleI nfoW,Ĭode function: GetLocaleI nfoW,GetLo caleInfoW, GetACP,Ĭode function: GetUserDef aultLCID,I sValidCode Page,IsVal idLocale,G etLocaleIn foW,GetLoc aleInfoW,Ĭontains functionality to query local / system timeĬode function: 0_2_0040E7 CA GetSyst emTimeAsFi leTime,Get CurrentThr eadId,GetC urrentProc essId,Quer yPerforman ceCounter,Ĭontains functionality to query time zone information

    smartsvn over network

    Language, Device and Operating System Detection:Ĭontains functionality to query CPU information (cpuid)Ĭontains functionality to query locales information (e.g. Thread injection, dropped files, key value created, disk infection and DNS query: no activit y detectedĬontains functionality to register its own exception handlerĬode function: 0_2_0040E5 0D SetUnha ndledExcep tionFilter ,Ĭode function: 0_2_0040E5 CB SetUnha ndledExcep tionFilter ,Unhandled ExceptionF ilter,GetC urrentProc ess,Termin ateProcess ,Ĭode function: 0_2_00412C 98 IsDebug gerPresent ,SetUnhand ledExcepti onFilter,U nhandledEx ceptionFil ter, Program does not show much activity (idle) Static PE information: data direc tory type: IMAGE_DIR ECTORY_ENT RY_DEBUGĬontains functionality to check if a debugger is running (IsDebuggerPresent)Ĭode function: 0_2_0040E3 7B IsProce ssorFeatur ePresent,I sDebuggerP resent,Set UnhandledE xceptionFi lter,Unhan dledExcept ionFilter,Ĭode function: 0_2_00419A E3 mov eax, dword pt r fs:Ĭontains functionality which may be used to detect a debugger (GetProcessHeap)Ĭode function: 0_2_00420B 73 GetProc essHeap,

    smartsvn over network

    Key opened: HKEY_CURRE NT_USER\So ftware\Pol icies\Micr osoft\Wind ows\Safer\ CodeIdenti fiers text IMAGE _SCN_MEM_E XECUTE, IM AGE_SCN_CN T_CODE, IM AGE_SCN_ME M_READ text section and no other executable section Static PE information: 32BIT_MACH INE, EXECU TABLE_IMAG E, RELOCS_ STRIPPEDĬlassification label: mal48.winE use command line arguments Source: C:\Users\u ser\Deskto p\shellnot ify.exeįound potential string decryption / allocating functionsĬode function: String fun ction: 004 0E570 appe ars 51 tim es

    Smartsvn over network